Bikeways_and_trails (0)
| Cycle Track |
| Bike Lane |
| Marked Bike Route |
| Marked Share the Road |
| Unmarked Share the Road |
| Pedestrian Hike Trail |
| Shared Use Path |
| Mountain Bike Trail |
| Equestrian Trail |
BCycle (1)
MetroGreen (2)
| Existing |
| Planned |
RegionalBikePlan (3)
| Existing |
| Planned |
OGL Routes (4)
Zero-VehicleHouseholds (5)
Zero-VehicleHouseholds (2014-2018) (6)
Counties (7)
Lakes (8)
Metropolitan planning organization (MPO) Boundary (9)
SmartMoves (10)
| Express |
| Fast Frequent |
| Supporting |
TransitAccess (11)
| 10: High |
| 9 |
| 8 |
| 7 |
| 6 |
| 5: Moderate |
| 4 |
| 3 |
| 2 |
| 1: Low |
Bridge Condition (NHS) (12)
Bridge Condition (All) (13)
Urban Areas (14)
Jobs with Good Transit Access (15)
| 1 - 200 |
| 201 - 779 |
| 780 - 2116 |
| 2117 - 5637 |
| 5638 - 13607 |
Jobs with Poor Transit Access (16)
| 1 - 112 |
| 113 - 396 |
| 397 - 960 |
| 961 - 2475 |
| 2476 - 6921 |
MobilityHubs (17)
CongestionManagementNetwork (18)
Airports (19)
Alternative Fuel Stations (20)
Freight Related Companies (21)
| Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
| Manufacturing |
| Retail Trade |
| Transportation and Warehousing |
| Waste Management |
| Wholesale Trade |
Rail Crossings (22)
Railroads (23)
Freight Bottlenecks (24)
Truck Corridor (25)
Rail Yards (26)
Foreign Trade Zone (points) (27)
Foreign Trade Zone (28)
TruckParking & Rest Area (points) (29)
Truck Parking & Rest Areas (30)
Intermodal Freight Yards (31)
Freight Activity Area (32)
Crashes (2014-2019) (33)
| Fatal |
| Suspected Serious Injury |
National Highway System (NHS) (34)
Transit Propensity (35)
| Very High |
| High |
| Average |
| Low |
| Very Low |
Activity Centers (36)
| Most Developed/Walkable |
| Moderately Developed/Walkable |
| Other Activity Centers |
Activity Centers Without Bikeways (37)
Bikeways at Activity Centers (38)
Redevelopment Area (39)
Travel Time Reliability (Truck) (40)
Travel Time Reliability (Interstate) (41)
Travel Time Reliability (Non-Interstate) (42)
KCScout (43)
Pavement Condition (KS) (44)
Pavement Condition (MO) (45)
Cities (46)
EJTracts (47)
Planning Corridors (48)
Air Quality Monitoring Stations (49)
Air Quality Maintenance Area (50)
Regional aviation facilities (51)
| Airport |
| Heliport |
Bicycle-involved crashes (2014-2019) (52)
| Fatal |
| Serious Injury |
Pedestrian-involved crashes (2014-2019) (53)
| Fatal |
| Serious Injury |
People of Color Population Density (54)
| 2 - 540 |
| 541 - 1,320 |
| 1,321 - 2,414 |
| 2,415 - 3,964 |
| 3,965 - 8,034 |
Low Income Population Density (55)
| 11 - 1,065 |
| 1,066 - 2,392 |
| 2,393 - 4,126 |
| 4,127 - 6,107 |
| 6,108 - 10,000 |
| No population meeting analysis poverty thresholds |
Vehicular Fatalities (56)
Vehicular Serious Injuries (57)
K - 12 Schools (58)
SelectedCities (59)
| 1 million or more |
| 250,000 - 999,999 |
| 100,000 - 249,999 |
| Less than 100,000 |
MileRadiusFromKCTwoHundred (60)
MileRadiusFromKCFiveHundredFifty (61)
Transit Service By Provider (62)
| KC Streetcar |
| Johnson County Transit |
| IndeBus |
| Unified Government Transit |
Peak-Only Transit Service (63)
Peak And Non Peak Transit Service (64)
Transit Service Frequency (65)
| 10-20 Minute Frequency |
| 21-30 Minute Frequency |
| 31-60 Minute Frequency |
| 60+ Minute Frequency |
Daily Transit Service (66)
Nighttime Transit Service (67)
Population with a Disability Density (sq. mi.) (68)
| 1 - 215 |
| 216 - 415 |
| 416 - 645 |
| 646 - 1,027 |
| 1,028 - 1,869 |
| No population with a disability |
OlderAdultPopulationDensity (69)
| 5 - 187 |
| 188 - 372 |
| 373 - 561 |
| 562 - 840 |
| 841 - 1,583 |
| No population 65+ |
VeteranPopulationDensity (70)
| 2 - 73 |
| 74 - 151 |
| 152 - 233 |
| 234 - 376 |
| 377 - 619 |
| No veteran population |
PopulationUsingTransitToWorkDensity (71)
| 1 - 32 |
| 33 - 95 |
| 96 - 188 |
| 189 - 521 |
| 522 - 809 |
ZeroVehicleHouseHolds (72)
| 1 - 75 |
| 76 - 199 |
| 200 - 394 |
| 395 - 724 |
| 725 - 1,240 |
| No zero vehicle households |
Colleges (73)
SurveyResponseZip (74)
| 1 to 5 |
| 5 to 10 |
| 10 to 20 |
| 20 to 30 |
| More than 30 |
Functional Classification (75)
| Interstate |
| Freeway/Expressway |
| Principal Arterial |
| Minor Arterial |
| Major Collector |
| Minor Collector |
Population Loss (76)
| Less than 500 |
| 501 - 999 |
| 1,000 or More |
Population Gain (77)
| Less than 1,000 |
| 1,000 - 2,499 |
| 2,500 - 4,999 |
| 5,000 - 8,999 |
| 9,000 or More |
Employment Loss (78)
| Less than 50 |
| 50 - 199 |
| 200 or More |
Employment Gain (79)
| Less than 200 |
| 200 - 799 |
| 800 - 1,999 |
| 2,000 - 3,499 |
| 3,500 or More |
Household Loss (80)
| Less than 100 |
| 100 - 299 |
| 300 or More |
Household Gain (81)
| Less than 300 |
| 300 - 999 |
| 1,000 - 2,499 |
| 2,500 - 4,999 |
| 5,000 or More |
GroceryStoresLarge (82)
GroceryStoresSmall (83)
StreamsWithin1KftOfMinorArterialAndAbove (84)