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snippet: The Greater Kansas City Regional Bikeway Plan is designed to help local governments better coordinate on-street bicycle facilities — particularly their alignment as they pass from one jurisdiction to another.
summary: The Greater Kansas City Regional Bikeway Plan is designed to help local governments better coordinate on-street bicycle facilities — particularly their alignment as they pass from one jurisdiction to another.
extent: [[-95.1920495670923,38.3876093963101],[-94.0605857106977,39.5346155448358]]
accessInformation: Mid-America Regional Council
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The Greater Kansas City Regional Bikeway Plan is designed to help local governments better coordinate on-street bicycle facilities — particularly their alignment as they pass from one jurisdiction to another, crossing city limits, county borders and state lines. This plan will help create a cohesive, regional system of bikeways with long-distance corridors that serve users of non-motorized, active transportation. While the focus of the plan is primarily on-street facilities, such as bike lanes and shared-use markings, it can also help with implementation of various facility types within local government rights-of-way, including cycle tracks and shared-use paths.
title: Regional_Bike_Plan
type: Map Service
tags: ["Regional Bike Plan","Bikeway","The Greater Kansas City Regional"]
culture: en-US
name: Regional_Bike_Plan
guid: 5A73D3F5-1753-4FAD-972C-5F54E377CC99
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Missouri_West_FIPS_2403_Feet