Cities (1)
Flood Hazard Zones (2)
| 1% Chance of Flooding (100 yr) |
| 0.2% Chance of Flooding (500 yr) |
Parcels Reference (3)
ShawneeFutureLandUse (4)
| Estate Residential Neighborhood |
| Traditional Residential Neighborhood |
| Attached Residential Neighborhood |
| Mixed Residential Neighborhood |
| Neighborhood Commercial |
| Regional Commercial |
| Community Commercial |
| Community Facilities |
| Industrial/Warehouse |
| Light/Flex Industrial |
| Mixed Use |
| Open Space |
| Recreation |
| Parks |
| Railroad Right-of-Way |
| Street Right-of-Way |
| <all other values> |
OverlandParkFurtureLandUse (5)
| Regional Activity District |
| Local Activity District |
| Downtown District |
| Commercial Hub |
| Innovation / Flex Hub |
| Compact Neighborhood |
| Traditional Neighborhood |
| Suburban Neighborhood |
| Rural Transition Zone |
| Public Parks and Open Space |
ParcelZoning2018GreaterThan2024 (6)
HousingCapacityByBlock2024andMAX (7)
| -479 to -100 |
| -99 to -50 |
| -49 to 0.0 |
| 0.01 to 500 |
| 501 to 1,000 |
| 1,001 to 1,500 |
| 1,501 to 2,500 |
| 2,501 to 4,610 |
Land Use Address Points (8)
| <Null> |
| Agriculture |
| Commercial High |
| Commercial Hub |
| Commercial Low |
| Commercial Urban |
| Commercial Very High |
| Community Center |
| Community TOD |
| Employment Center |
| High Mix |
| Hotel/Motel 3 |
| Hotel/Motel 5 |
| Indust./Bus. Park High |
| Indust./Bus. Park Low |
| Indust./Bus. Park Very High |
| Industrial Center |
| Low Mix |
| Mixed Use High |
| Mixed Use Low |
| Mixed Use Urban |
| Mixed Use Very High |
| Mod Mix |
| Neighborhood Center |
| Office High |
| Office Low |
| Office Medium |
| Parking |
| Parks, Open Space |
| Public/Semipublic High |
| Public/Semipublic Low |
| ROW |
| Railroad ROW |
| Regional Center |
| Residential 2 3 4 |
| Residential MF 120 |
| Residential MF 80 |
| Residential MF High |
| Residential MF Low |
| Residential MF Low-Med |
| Residential MF Medium |
| Residential MF Very High |
| Residential Mobile Home |
| Residential SF High |
| Residential SF Large Lot |
| Residential SF Low |
| Residential SF Medium |
| Residential SF Rural |
| Residential SF Rural Policy |
| Residential SF Urban Fringe |
| Residential SF Very Low |
| Rural Corridor |
| School Elementary |
| School Middle/High/University |
| Suburban Corridor |
| Townhomes 2 3 4 |
| Traditional Neighborhood |
| Utility |
| Vacant |
| Vacant/Ag |
| <all other values> |