Summary of US 56 & I-35 Interchange Improvements

Gardner, KS

Contact Information

Organization: Gardner, KS
Contact person: Jen Jordan-Spence
Title: Grant Coordinator
Phone: (913) 856-0928
Organization address: 120 E Main
  Gardner, KS    66030

Pre-Application Information

PA Project title/name: US 56 & I-35 Interchange Improvements
PA Agency type: City
PA Agency Name: Gardner, KS
PA Primary project mode: Operations
PA Secondary project mode: Roadway
PA Project type: Road & Bridge - Roadway Operations
PA Project description: Increasing commercial and residential development on the east side of Gardner and the resulting increase in traffic is driving the need for improvements at the I-35 and US-56 interchange. This project will address near-term needs based on traffic analyses performed in relation to recently completed developments and proposed developments in the area. The proposed improvements include installation of traffic signals at the ramp intersections, addition of a northbound right turn lane, and re-striping to extend the westbound left turn lane. The project is designed to accommodate all vehicle types, improve safety, and improve traffic flow through the interchange.
PA Connected KC 2050 Project Number: Yes
PA Connected KC 2050 underlying strategies selected
PA Strategies Description: The project will significantly improve efficiency of traffic movement throughout the interchange. This will have a positive impact on the movement of goods considering the proximity of the interchange to the nearby intermodal facility. Reduction of delays will also result in improved air quality.
PA Complete Streets Description: Gardner has a Complete Streets Policy as well as a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan within the current Comprehensive Plan. This project is the first step necessary to make future improvements to the interchange that will better accommodate bicycles and pedestrians.
PA Safety: Large trucks will be accommodated throughout the interchange by designing turning movements appropriately. Ramp intersections will be improved made and made safer by adding turn lanes and installing signals.
PA Air Quality: As development and traffic increase in the vicinity of the interchange, the project will decrease energy/fuel use by significantly reducing delays and more efficiently moving traffic with a combination of turn lanes and signals. Improved traffic flow will reduce idling times, resulting in reduced emissions and decreased fuel use.
PA Conservation: The City will implement the newly adopted Land Development Codes and landscape guidelines to provide guidelines for the protection of existing plants; provide plant specifications; specify the type of mulch to be used; specify setting and backfilling; specify a plant guarantee and maintenance requirements; provides details about finding the root flare; and provides details for testing for compacted soil.
PA Environment: Natural stormwater control techniques & open space amenities will mitigate flooding concerns.
PA Funding
TAP/STP Set Aside
PA Travel Lane: False
PA Congestion Management Measures Selected:
Access Management:
Active Transportation
Land Use
Transportation Operations and Management
PA CMT Description: As development and traffic increase in the vicinity of the interchange, the project will significantly reduce delays by more efficiently moving traffic with a combination of turn lanes and signals. Improved traffic flow will reduce idling times, resulting in reduced emissions and decreased fuel use. Providing walkability and biking options will also reduce emissions and fuel use by reducing per capita vehicle miles traveled.
PA SOV Capacity: Not Applicable
PA Pre-application Statement: Changes made
PA Pre-application Statement Text: The project scope as described in the pre-application form did not accurately depict the intended improvements. The updated scope provides a specific description of the proposed improvements. The funding request did not change, as it was based on the scope as currently described.
PA Pre-Application Staff Alignment:
PA Pre-Aplication Policy Concerns:

General Information

G1. TIP Number:
G2. State: Kansas
G3. Multiple agencies / jurisdictions? No
G4 Project contact: Tim McEldowney,
G5 Purpose and need: The existing interchange is a large rural diamond with a single loop ramp. The ultimate interchange improvements will address the future interchange configuration including ramp locations to minimize the interchange footprint and the addition of thru lanes on US-56/175th Street. In the near-term, improvements will be needed to accommodate development poised to occur east of the interchange. These improvements will most likely include installation of traffic signals and turn lanes at the ramp intersections. The project will be designed to accommodate all vehicle types and provide access across I-35 for pedestrians and bicyclists. With the addition of KCATA transit routes from downtown KC to Gardner and Edgerton, the interchange will assist in improving local and regional mobility, increase long-term economic development and attract and retain residents and businesses by connecting people to regional jobs.
G6. Origin and ending
  Length (Miles):
Southbound ramp terminals
Northbound ramp terminals
G7 Functional Classification: Principal Arterial
G8 Connected KC 2050 Decade? 2030
G9 Muli-Agency Plan? No
G10 Included in a CIP? Yes
G11 Planning stage: Conceptual Plan
G12 Reviewed by state DOT? No
G13 Right-of-Way acquisition: Not started
G14 ROW by local public agency process manual? Yes
G15 Other unique local goals and objectives? Yes
This project is included in Gardner’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP), completed in 2010. The TMP is currently being updated to reflect changes in City policies, plans, growth, & development that has occurred since the previous plan. The TMP will assess the current & future transportation needs within the community & recommend potential near-term & long-term improvements to address those needs. The initial draft includes this project as a near-term priority. In addition, Gardners Comprehensive Plan specifically identifies the I-35 & US-56 interchange as needing improvements to keep up with traffic demand associated with future development. KDOT completed the US-56 Corridor Management Plan in 2010. The plan looked at US-56 throughout Gardner & recommended that major improvements for the I-35 interchange should be investigated which build upon the work conducted under the I-35 Major Investment Study.
G16 Transportation Disadvantaged Population: There are 141 households in Gardner with no motor vehicle and the highest percentage of veterans living in Johnson County, reside in Gardner. These vulnerable populations require safe and accessible routes to schools, grocery stores, public transportation and other services. The project will provide improved access across I-35 to future commercial development.
G17 Relevant Public Engagement: The City hosted an open house/public meeting for the project to share information about viable improvement options, to answer questions & get public input. This allowed for more people to understand the project & encouraged people to help in the transportation planning process. The proposed project will follow the same process to engage citizens during the planning stage. The neighborhoods near the proposed construction area contains some of the lowest income housing in the community. This will assist in establishing good relationships with underserved groups and promote proactive participation.
G18 Planned Public Engagement: During construction, the City will identify alternate accessible paths of travel that are safe and accessible for persons of all ages and abilities, and make the community aware of these routes. Project information will be available in both English and Spanish languages.
G19 Sustainable Places Criteria: ----Active Transportation/Living----------- Complete Street Design--------------- ------------Integrated Trail System--- ---------------- ---------------- ------
G19.1 Describe PSP relationship: This project will help connect people to places by creating a corridor that provides transportation choices, accommodates walking, biking, and public transportation as well as the automobile. This will create better access to more destinations using different modes of transportation. It will also improve public health through the encouragement of more walking and biking and a future connection to parks and trail systems. Additionally, there is a Complete Streets Policy as well as a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan within the current Comprehensive Plan. An emphasis on multi-modal transportation corridors, and the habitual integration of multi-modal design elements (bike lanes, trails, sidewalks, crosswalks, pedestrian refuge islands, bicycle parking) into roadway design and subdivision/development planning is also included in the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
G20 Implements Sustainable Places Initiatives? Yes
The City recently completed a second PSP project for the Main Street (175th/US-56) corridor. The plan did not make specific recommendations for the I-35 interchange but changes being considered are consistent with the recommendations for Main Street near the interchange. Specifically, the following two recommendations: 1) SAFELY ACCOMMODATE TRUCK TRAFFIC; 2) MAINTAIN EXISTING ACCESSIBLE SIDEWALK CONNECTIONS AND CREATE NEW SIDEWALK CONNECTIONS TO MAKE THE SIDEWALK NETWORK MORE COMPLETE.
G21 Serves Regional Activity Center? No
G22 Environmental justice tracts? No
G23 Reduces greenhouse gas emissions? Yes
As development and traffic increase in the vicinity of the interchange, the project will significantly reduce delays by more efficiently moving traffic with a combination of turn lanes and signals. Improved traffic flow will reduce idling times, resulting in reduced emissions and decreased fuel use. Providing walkability and biking options will also reduce emissions and fuel use by reducing per capita vehicle miles traveled
G24 Natural Resource information: Natural stormwater control techniques & open space amenities will complement the planned transportation enhancements and mitigate flooding concerns. Best management practices for erosion control will be implemented during construction to prevent sediment from being carried offsite and into downstream communities and parks. Practices like soil conservation, tree planting and native landscaping will be utilized.
G25 Community Links at Watershaed Scale: The City will implement guidelines from its Land Development Code to protect existing plants; provide specifications for appropriate plantings, mulch, setting and backfilling; and specify warranty and maintenance requirements. The area is mapped as low for conservation priorities and medium for restoration priorities according to the Greater Kansas City Green Region Explorer.
G26 Explain local land use or comprehensive plans: This project is included in Gardner’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP), completed in 2010. The TMP is currently being updated to reflect changes in City policies, plans, growth, & development that has occurred since the previous plan. The TMP will assess the current & future transportation needs within the community & recommend potential near-term & long-term improvements to address those needs. The initial draft includes this project as a near-term priority. In addition, Gardners Comprehensive Plan specifically identifies the I-35 & US-56 interchange as needing improvements to keep up with traffic demand associated with future development. KDOT completed the US-56 Corridor Management Plan in 2010. The plan looked at US-56 throughout Gardner & recommended that major improvements for the I-35 interchange should be investigated which build upon the work conducted under the I-35 Major Investment Study.

Project Financial Information

STP Federal amount: 816000 
STP Match amount: 284000 
STP Year requested: 2024
Source of Local Match: City gas tax revenue.
Scope Change: The southbound ramp intersection could be signalized now and the northbound later.
Cost by area:
Engineering: 80000
Equipment Purchase: 0
Right-of-Way: 0
Other: 0
Utility Adjustment/Relocation: 0
Program Implementation/Construction (including Construction Engineering/Inspection): 940000
Contingency: 80000
Total Estimated Project Cost: 1100000
Cost Breakdown by mode:
Highway: 98  %
Transit:   %
Bike: 1  %
Pedestrian: 1  %
Other:   %

Supporting Documents

No public comments submitted.

600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax 816/421-7758

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