Summary of 167th Street, Switzer Road to Antioch Road

Overland Park, KS

Contact Information

Organization: Overland Park, KS
Contact person: Joe Archer
Title: Engineering Technician
Phone: (913) 895-6048
Organization address: 8500 Santa Fe Drive
  Overland Park, KS    66212

Pre-Application Information

PA Project title/name: 167th Street, Switzer Road to Antioch Road
PA Agency type: City
PA Agency Name: Overland Park, KS
PA Primary project mode: Roadway
PA Secondary project mode: Bike/Pedestrian
PA Project type: Road & Bridge - Roadway Operations
PA Project description: Reconstruction of 167th Street from Switzer Road to Antioch Road from an unimproved two-lane roadway to an improved two-lane roadway. A roundabout will be constructed at the intersection of 167th and Antioch. The project includes new pavement, curb, shoulders, bike lanes, turn lanes, street lights and storm sewers. The roadway project includes a 10-foot sidewalk/trail on one side and a 5-foot sidewalk on the other side. Several acres of native vegetation will also be planted in the roadway right-of-way.
PA Connected KC 2050 Project Number: Yes
PA Connected KC 2050 underlying strategies selected
PA Strategies Description: Centers and Corridors: This project will provide economic and social benefits by maximizing mobility and access to the neighborhood center at 167th and Antioch. Environmental and active lifestyles benefits for the community will be provided with addition of pedestrian facilities and on-street bicycle facilities. These facilities will connect existing and future neighborhoods to the identified Blue Valley Schools activity center north of 167th along Antioch. The pedestrian facilities will make the roadway a complete street providing more mode choices. Climate protection and resilience : This project will support the shift to increase more environmentally friendly modes of transportation. Pedestrian facilities will be added with a 10-foot sidewalk/trail on the north side and 5-foot sidewalk on the south side of 167th. Bicycle facilities will be added with on-street bicycle lane and paved shoulder. Stormwater conveyance will be included to mitigate roadway overtopping based on current design criteria to provide a resilient corridor. Open drainageways and native vegetation will also be utilized for stormwater to increase water quality and reduce runoff. Prioritize Investments: This system preservation project is supported by Overland Park’s future land uses and would maximize mobility and improve access along the corridor. Travel time reliability and mobility will be increased for all users by adding a roundabout at 167th and Antioch increasing system efficiency. The roundabout will also aid emergency personnel accessing the area for the nearby safety facility and hospital. Construction of a bike lane and a paved shoulder that will allow for vehicle breakdowns and visually opens up the roadway for traffic flow and foster safe travel. Improved roadside geometry increases safety.
PA Complete Streets Description: The project will provide construction of multi-modal systems to accommodate automobiles, transit, public safety vehicles, pedestrian and bicycles in order to maximize mobility throughout the corridor. The project will promote walkability with new sidewalks and bicycle access with new bike lanes and shoulders. Context Appropriate Streets have been incorporated as part of the City’s South Overland Park Transportation Plan to construct interim roadway sections that can be expanded in the future based on demand. Construction of a 10-foot sidewalk/trail will expand the City’s Integrated Trail System.
PA Safety: A modern roundabout will be constructed at the 167th and Antioch intersection. This will be significantly safer than the existing all-way stop intersection. Vertical geometry and intersection sight distance will be improved. The current roadway has negligible shoulders and steep roadside ditches for recovery of errant vehicles. New pavement, curb and shoulders will improve these roadside geometry shortfalls. There will also be pedestrian and bicycle features where currently none exist. This will provide a much safer environment for both bicycles and pedestrians.
PA Air Quality: Strategies for clean air include design of a modern roundabout at the intersection of 167th Street and Antioch Road to reduce delay and eliminate the current all-way stop condition. In addition to the roundabout the project will add new pedestrian walking facilities and on-street bicycle lane to promote multi-modal forms of transportation. These new mode choices provide connections that do not currently exist, making it easier to get from place to place without use of a personal vehicle. These new, safe and accommodating transportation options lead to fewer cars on the road and cleaner air.
PA Conservation: 167th Street corridor has opportunities for natural resource management west of Grandview where the roadway crosses a tributary of Coffee Creek. Opportunities include protection and restoration of herbaceous land, and lowland herbaceous land. The project includes erosion and sediment control measures, seeding, sodding, and restoration throughout the corridor. Additionally, the City plans to plant several acres of native vegetation along the corridor as a stormwater best management practice. The native vegetation are a foundation of ecological function, affecting soil conservation, wildlife habitats and water quality. They aid in stormwater runoff infiltration, reducing sediment loading into water bodies and soil stability and improves the roadside appearance.
PA Environment: The project will upgrade storm sewers adjacent to and crossing the roadway to convey stormwater runoff without overtopping of the roadway for the design storm as specified by the Overland Park Design and Construction Manual. Upgraded storm sewers protect the public from roadway flooding. Asphalt utilized on the project will include up to 35% recycled asphalt material. This reduces the amount of energy required to use raw materials for the asphalt. Planned native vegetation and open drainage improve water quality and reduce runoff to areas downstream.
PA Funding
TAP/STP Set Aside
PA Travel Lane: False
PA Congestion Management Measures Selected:
Access Management:
Active Transportation
Land Use
Transportation Operations and Management
PA CMT Description: Travel time benefits include addition of turn lanes at 167th and Grandview intersection. These turn lanes will allow waiting vehicles to make left turn movements without blocking through traffic and causing congestion. A modern roundabout will be constructed at 167th and Antioch intersection. This will eliminate the current all-way stop and reduce delay and congestion at the intersection. The existing roadway has no sidewalks for pedestrians and bicyclists must share a lane with other vehicles. The project will promote Active Transportation and improve safety of the existing system by providing walkability with designated sidewalks and bicycle access with an on-street bike lane and a paved shoulder. Construction of clear zone, recoverable slopes requirements, and vertical curve geometry for sight distance per AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. Construction will include new traffic control signs and pavement markings per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control.
PA SOV Capacity: No signal occupancy vehicle capacity is being added other than the addition of turn lanes at side street intersections. This capacity will reduce delay for through traffic that would otherwise have to wait on left turning vehicles. Capacity is being added for bicycles with a designated on-street bike lane and paved shoulder.
PA Pre-application Statement: Changes made
PA Pre-application Statement Text: Planned restoration with native vegetation has been added to the project. Native vegetation will be used adjacent to the planned roadway and trail as a stormwater best management practice in areas of the corridor. Although not required by Overland Park design criteria due to the project scope, the native vegetation will be an amenity for the Right-of-Way and can be used as a learning opportunity for City staff. The native vegetation will aid in infiltration and water quality of storwmater. The pre-application question answers have been modified to include native vegetation information. Additionally, further clarification of the Connected KC 2050 strategies being implemented is being provided below: Complete Streets - This project has many elements of complete streets with addition of bike lanes, sidewalk, trail, street lighting and improved stormwater conveyance facilities. More Mode Choices - Addition of 6’ on-street bike lanes, 10’ sidewalk/trail on one side of the roadway and 5’ sidewalk on the other side. Emergency Preparedness - The improved roadway will improve access to the area by emergency personnel at the combined safety facility at 163rd and Antioch. Access to the hospital at 165th and Antioch. Safety - This project will provide many new safety enhancements such as roadway vertical profile improvements, clear zone improvements, fixed object removal and intersection improvements through the construction of a modern roundabout at Antioch. System Efficiency - Construction of a modern roundabout at 167th and Antioch to eliminate a current all-way stop intersection. System Preservation - This project would remove and replace one mile of deteriorated asphalt pavement that has undergone multiple surface treatments over several decades. Trails and Bikeways - Addition of on-street bike lanes, sidewalk and trail that will provide connection to future MetroGreen corridor along Coffee Creek to the south. Goods Movement - This project is within one-half mile of the interchange at US-69 and will provide safe and improved access to developing areas west of US-69 highway.
PA Pre-Application Staff Alignment:
PA Pre-Aplication Policy Concerns:

General Information

G1. TIP Number:
G2. State: Kansas
G3. Multiple agencies / jurisdictions? Yes
This project is part of the 2020-2024 Johnson County Assistance Road Program (CARS) as a tentative project to be funded for construction in 2023.
G4 Project contact: Kyle Dieckmann City of Overland Park 8500 Santa Fe Drive Overland Park, KS 66212 (913) 895-6053 (Office) (913) 208-4627 (Cell)
G5 Purpose and need: The purpose of this project is to maximize mobility and access to existing and future land uses along the corridor, address system preservation and maintenance needs, provide for alternative transportation modes and improve system performance, efficiency, and safety. The project will serve the most rapidly growing portion of the City of Overland Park.
G6. Origin and ending
  Length (Miles):
167th Street
Switzer Road
Antioch Road
G7 Functional Classification: Major Collector
G8 Connected KC 2050 Decade? 2020
G9 Muli-Agency Plan? Yes
This project (TH-1914) is part of the 2020-2024 County Assistance Road Program (CARS) as a tentative project for construction in 2023. Also, this area is part of the South Overland Park Transportation Plan which was developed in conjunction with Johnson County Kansas, Olathe Kansas, and Cass County Missouri.
G10 Included in a CIP? Yes
This project is in the City of Overland Park 2021-2025 CIP as project TH-1914 - 167th Street, Switzer Road to Antioch Road.
G11 Planning stage: Preliminary Plan
G12 Reviewed by state DOT? No
G13 Right-of-Way acquisition: Not started
G14 ROW by local public agency process manual? Yes
G15 Other unique local goals and objectives? Yes
This project meets the goals and objectives identified back in the mid 1970’s when the City passed resolutions designating certain routes to be classified as thoroughfares. 167th Street is designated as a thoroughfare to provide four lanes for vehicular traffic, sidewalks on both sides for pedestrians, a raised median with turn lanes, and at least 120-foot right-of-way to allow for future widening to six lanes of vehicular traffic. Most recently, our South OP Transportation Plan developed new concepts for these southern thoroughfares which will focus on interim 2-lane improvements creating more appropriately designed streets for the expected development patterns which are likely to occur in the next 20 to 30 years. The project also implements connections to the City’s Greenway Linkages Plan and Safe Bicycle Use Outreach Project.
G16 Transportation Disadvantaged Population: The transportation disadvantaged populations would be affected positively by this project with the construction of ADA compliant sidewalks, new pedestrian trail, on-street bike lanes, street lighting, and a roundabout with pedestrian crossing accommodations. Pedestrian accommodations constructed with this project will connect to a network of trails along Coffee Creek that continue west to Heritage Park.
G17 Relevant Public Engagement: This project is in the City’s five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The city holds two preliminary public hearings regarding CIP projects in the fall of each year before staff develops a proposed CIP for consideration by the Governing Body. These public hearings are held during the CIP development process in order to allow public comments to be taken into consideration during the development of the proposed five-year CIP. Comments need not be made in person as e-mails, letters and summaries of personal phone calls can be read into the record. Additionally, the City’s Forward OP community vision and strategic plan was formulated through three rounds of community input. The “Connecting” initiative of the strategic plan includes implementation of the Overland Park Bicycle Master plan which aligns with this project.
G18 Planned Public Engagement: The City holds three open house public information meetings. The first meeting is held during preliminary design to explain the project objectives, present the project schedule, hear the citizens’ concerns and issues, discuss design issues and introduce the involved City Officials. The second public information meeting is during final design to present the final plans and continue to hear citizens’ comments and answer questions. The last public information meeting is prior to construction. The City introduces the Contractor and employees who will be involved in the project and also discuss the project schedule. During these three meetings the public is given the opportunity to talk face to face with the City project manager and/or City representative. For those not present or able to attend the public meetings, questionnaires are made available by mail. Additional information is also made available on OPKANSAS.ORG including the City project manager’s contact information. During the pandemic, we must consider options other than the standard meeting. The City has the ability to host virtual public meetings. Details of the project can be presented virtually. Questions from the public can be submitted prior to the meeting to be answered. During the meeting, citizen’s can ask to be called on virtually to discuss the project. The project manager will also follow up on questions after the meeting.
G19 Sustainable Places Criteria: ----Active Transportation/Living----------- Complete Street Design---Connected Street Network---Context Appropriate Streets------- ----Green Infrastructure-------Integrated Trail System--- ---------------- ---------------- ------
G19.1 Describe PSP relationship: The project will provide multimodal systems to accommodate automobiles, transit, public safety vehicles, pedestrian and bicycles in order to maximize mobility throughout the corridor. The project will improve walkability and bicycle access by providing ADA compliant sidewalks and trails. Sidewalks and trails with crosswalks and lighting will enhance pedestrian safety while linking residential and future neighborhood commercial center at 167th and Antioch. The roundabout proposed at 167th and Antioch will provide for safe pedestrian and vehicular movements as well as an opportunity to provide a community focal point.
G20 Implements Sustainable Places Initiatives? No
G21 Serves Regional Activity Center? No
Less-Intense and Less-Walkable Centers Although the project does not directly connect to the Blue Valley School District activity center at 163rd and Antioch. The pedestrian/bicycle improvements as part of the project will connect to sidewalks along Antioch that directly serve the activity center. The connection will provide a more direct pedestrian connection between the activity center and the Coffee Creek Trail with additional connections along 167th Street west of Switzer that are planned for 2021.
G22 Environmental justice tracts? No
G23 Reduces greenhouse gas emissions? Yes
The proposed roundabout at 167th and Antioch will improve safety and efficiency, lessening vehicular emissions by reducing delay at the four-way stop intersection. Overland Park is also committed to Operation Green Light, a regional effort to improve traffic flow and reduce vehicle emissions. This project will provide additional capacity and alleviate congestion with a goal of reducing emissions. This project includes construction of sidewalks, a walking trail and on-street bike lanes to promote pedestrian and bike usage as a form of non-motorized transportation.
G24 Natural Resource information: 167th Street corridor has opportunities for natural resource management west of Grandview where the roadway crosses a tributary of Coffee Creek. Opportunities include protection and restoration of herbaceous land, and lowland herbaceous land. The project includes erosion and sediment control measures, seeding, sodding, and restoration throughout the corridor. Additionally, the City plans to plant several acres of native vegetation along the corridor as a stormwater best management practice. The native vegetation will aid in infiltration and soil stability and improves the roadside appearance. Native vegetation restores vegetation that was originally part of the local habitat.
G25 Community Links at Watershaed Scale: These conservation and restoration opportunities will drain to the Coffee Creek Corridor. The opportunities will also benefit the future MetroGreen link and planned park one-quarter mile south of 167th and Switzer.
G26 Explain local land use or comprehensive plans: This project is supported by Overland Parks Future Development Master Plan and would maximize mobility and improve access to planned residential and future neighborhood commercial uses along the corridor. This project is also part of the South OP Transportation Plan to right-size future thoroughfares in southern OP based on expected densities and travel needs. In addition, the city has maintained a Comprehensive Plan that directs, coordinates, and evaluates the city’s development and progress and ensures continued orderly development of our community. Elements of the Comprehensive Plan include balanced transportation network, land use, park master plan, greenway linkages and planned bikeways. 167th Street is also part of the City’s bicycle master plan (OP Safe Bicycle Use Outreach Project).

Project Financial Information

STP Federal amount: 7188000 
STP Match amount: 4797000 
STP Year requested: 2023
Source of Local Match: City of Overland Park General Fund and County Assistance Road System (CARS) funding.
Scope Change: Because the project is the reconstruction of an improved two lane roadway to replace the existing two lane roadway, the construction cannot be phased.
Cost by area:
Engineering: 1275000
Equipment Purchase: 0
Right-of-Way: 725000
Other: 0
Utility Adjustment/Relocation: 1000000
Program Implementation/Construction (including Construction Engineering/Inspection): 8985000
Contingency: 0
Total Estimated Project Cost: 11985000
Cost Breakdown by mode:
Highway: 90  %
Transit:   %
Bike: 6  %
Pedestrian: 4  %
Other:   %

Supporting Documents

No public comments submitted.

600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax 816/421-7758

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