Summary of Burlington Corridor Phase 3

North Kansas City, MO

Contact Information

Organization: North Kansas City, MO
Contact person: Sara Copeland
Title: Community Development Director
Phone: (816) 412-7855
Organization address: 2010 Howell
  North Kansas City, MO    64116

Pre-Application Information

PA Project title/name: Burlington Corridor Phase 3
PA Agency type: City
PA Agency Name: North Kansas City, MO
PA Primary project mode: Bike/Pedestrian
PA Secondary project mode: Transit
PA Project type: Road & Bridge - Roadway Operations
PA Project description: West side of Burlington/Route 9 from 10th Avenue to tp Highway 9 / N. Oak intersection. The project will include new landscaping, irrigation, replacement of curb and gutter, expansion of sidewalks for enhanced pedestrian activity, new street lights, and enhanced bus stops to provide level boarding.
PA Connected KC 2050 Project Number: No
PA Connected KC 2050 underlying strategies selected
PA Strategies Description: These Burlington Corridor improvements represent the final phase of implementation of the Planning Sustainable Places project previously completed. The first phase of this project included a two-way cycle track on the east side of Burlington, connected to the path on the Heart of America bridge, as well as enhanced transit stops and increased streetscape vegetation with native planting. This phase of the project includes the implementation of complete streets with enhanced pedestrian accommodations, upgraded transit stops, and additional landscaping for environmental and aesthetic impacts on the west side of Burlington. The upgraded transit stops support the goal of fast and frequent bus service on Burlington/North Oak.
PA Complete Streets Description: This project will included improved and widened sidewalks and raised platforms for transit boardings (level boardings). The first phase of this project, anticipated to begin construction in 2021, includes a two-way cycle track on the east side of the roadway along with enhanced transit stops, pedestrian improvements, landscaping.
PA Safety: Several safety measures are contemplated with these improvements, specifically under the engineering of infrastructure, including: bulb outs and other traffic calming devices to improve safety for non-motorized roadway users, improve awareness and visibility of minor road approaches through signage, lighting, and pavement markings, clear sight lines. The first phase of the project included a protected two-way cycle track to provide a high degree of safety for bicyclists, including signalization at major intersections.
PA Air Quality: This project, and its earlier phase, continues to promote pedestrian, bike and transit-friendly options through implementation of complete streets. Best practices in native and sustainable landscaping and green infrastructure are also planned.
PA Conservation: This project plans to implement best management practices for stormwater runoff.
PA Environment: This project includes many stormwater improvements to address localized flooding along the corridor. It also includes additional landscaping for stormwater management and to reduce total impervious area.
PA Funding
TAP/STP Set Aside
PA Travel Lane: False
PA Congestion Management Measures Selected:
Access Management:
Active Transportation
Land Use
Transportation Operations and Management
PA CMT Description: The implementation of complete streets will provide enhanced access for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders, continued from the first phase of the project, to encourage a shift in travel modes from SOV to active transportation and transit usage.
PA SOV Capacity: No additional SOV capacity is anticipated with this project.
PA Pre-application Statement: No changes made
PA Pre-application Statement Text:
PA Pre-Application Staff Alignment:
PA Pre-Aplication Policy Concerns:

General Information

G1. TIP Number:
G2. State: Missouri
G3. Multiple agencies / jurisdictions? No
G4 Project contact: Sara Copeland, AICP Community Development Director 2010 Howell Street North Kansas City, MO 64116 (816) 412-7855
G5 Purpose and need: This project will serve as the completion of the Burlington Complete Street project, which began as a PSP project. The City was awarded STP funds for the first phase of improvements on the east side of the corridor and will self-fund median improvements as a second phase. This project focuses on the west side of Burlington/Route 9 from 10th Avenue to Highway 9 / N. Oak intersection. The project will include new landscaping, irrigation, replacement of curb and gutter, stormwater improvements, expansion of sidewalks for enhanced pedestrian activity, new street lights, and enhanced bus stops to provide level boarding.
G6. Origin and ending
  Length (Miles):
Burlington / Route 9
10th Avenue
N. Oak
G7 Functional Classification: Principal Arterial
G8 Connected KC 2050 Decade? --Select--
G9 Muli-Agency Plan? Yes
This project implements KCATAs North Oak Transit Improvement Study.
G10 Included in a CIP? Yes
This project is included in the Citys CIP, programmed for FY 2023.
G11 Planning stage: Conceptual Plan
G12 Reviewed by state DOT? No
G13 Right-of-Way acquisition: Not started
G14 ROW by local public agency process manual? Yes
G15 Other unique local goals and objectives? Yes
This project supports the Citys Master Plan implementation, particularly Vision Theme #4, Build a safe multi-modal network and enhance the pedestrian-scaled environment.
G16 Transportation Disadvantaged Population: This project will provide enhanced transit stops for low-income, minority, older adults, and zero-car households.
G17 Relevant Public Engagement: Extensive public engagement was conducted as part of the PSP project, with additional public meetings associated with Phase 1 of the projects currently under design and soon to be constructed.
G18 Planned Public Engagement: Virtual or in person public meetings, public notifications, and direct mailing to adjacent property owners.
G19 Sustainable Places Criteria: ----Active Transportation/Living----------- Complete Street Design-------Context Appropriate Streets------- ---------------- --------Optimize Parking---Pedestrian-Oriented Public Realm--- ---------------- Transit-Ready Corridors-----
G19.1 Describe PSP relationship: This project builds upon and continues to encourage active transportation, including improved sidewalks and transit stops, in conjunction with the phase 1 cycle track previously funded. It utilizes a complete street design to accommodate all modes of travel through context appropriate designs. On-street parking will be defined with bulb-outs, with a focus on pedestrian amenities. This project will include upgraded transit stops that can support future BRT-level service.
G20 Implements Sustainable Places Initiatives? Yes
This is the final phase for implementation of the Burlington Corridor Complete Street Design.
G21 Serves Regional Activity Center? Yes
High-Intensity and More_Walkable Centers This project directly serves the activity center located along Burlington by improving pedestrian connections and filling in sidewalk gaps and providing enhanced transit stops to support fast and frequent bus service along the corridor. The project also includes enhanced landscaping and stormwater improvements to address localized flooding.
G22 Environmental justice tracts? Yes
North Kansas City is identified as an environmental justice tract. This project improves pedestrian and transit access to and from the city.
G23 Reduces greenhouse gas emissions? Yes
Through improved sidewalk connections and enhanced transit stops, this project provides enhanced alternatives to SOV travel in North Kansas City.
G24 Natural Resource information: Currently a largely built and paved corridor, this project will re-introduce native plantings through streetscape improvements.
G25 Community Links at Watershaed Scale: No significant impact.
G26 Explain local land use or comprehensive plans: The PSP project for this project was adopted by North Kansas City and is an appendix to the Citys comprehensive master plan.

Project Financial Information

STP Federal amount: 7600000 
STP Match amount: 1900000 
STP Year requested: 2023
Source of Local Match: City funds
Scope Change: This project has already been phased, with the first phase funded previously. This phase will compete the project.
Cost by area:
Engineering: 750000
Equipment Purchase: 0
Right-of-Way: 50000
Other: 0
Utility Adjustment/Relocation: 500000
Program Implementation/Construction (including Construction Engineering/Inspection): 7600000
Contingency: 600000
Total Estimated Project Cost: 9500000
Cost Breakdown by mode:
Highway: 65  %
Transit: 5  %
Bike: 5  %
Pedestrian: 25  %
Other:   %

Supporting Documents

  • File 1:
  • File 2:
  • File 3:
  • File 4:

No public comments submitted.

600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax 816/421-7758

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