Summary of Smithville Streetscape Phase III

Smithville, MO

Contact Information

Organization: Smithville, MO
Contact person: Charles Soules
Title: Dir. of PW
Phone: (816) 532-3897
Organization address: 107 W. Main St.
  Smithville, KS    64089

Pre-Application Information

PA Project title/name: Smithville Streetscape Phase III
PA Agency type: City
PA Agency Name: Smithville, MO
PA Primary project mode: Bike/Pedestrian
PA Secondary project mode: Bike/Pedestrian
PA Project type: Non-Motorized Transportation - Facilities and SRTS Infrastructure
PA Project description: Investments in non-motorized modes of transportation, such as biking and walking, can increase safety and mobility in a cost-efficient manner, while providing a zero-emission alternative to motorized modes. To provide transportation choices for residents to allow for ease of travel as well as public health and environmental benefits. To provide equal access to jobs, shopping, services and housing. The project is on Bridge Street from Church Street to First Street. The Project would include: • Mill and overlay pavement • Full sidewalk replacement/ crosswalk signs & ramp; markings • Full curb and gutter replacement / bulb outs at intersections • Pedestrian lighting • Brick accents at street lights • Minor storm Improvements • Street trees • Decorative rail on Bridge * Addition of bike sharrows and Share the Road signage
PA Connected KC 2050 Project Number: No
PA Connected KC 2050 underlying strategies selected
PA Strategies Description: The project will connect neighborhoods to Downtown. Smithville Housing Authority and other neighborhoods will have the ability to get to: 1) Downtown for shopping, dining and other community and recreational activities 2)provide alternative mode of transportation to access jobs and housing 3) Smithville Lake for athelic activities including baseball and soccer, fishing and access to other trails. This connectivity promotes livable and vibrant communities, enhance residents’ quality of life and will provide equal access to vunerable populations. Addition of street trees will provide shade reducing heat from pavement and the trees will help cleanse the air.
PA Complete Streets Description: The project will include the following Complete Street elements: sidewalks, green strip between the sidewalk and curb, bike lanes and sharrows, bulb-outs, pedestrian lighting, street trees, decorative bridge railing, and brick accents. The project will be esthetically pleasing and inviting to pedestrians and bicyclists. The Street will be designed to safely accommodate all anticipated users with measures to improve air quality and reduce heat island effects
PA Safety: Improving sidewalks and crosswalks to provide a safe route for pedestrians. Street level lighting will improve visibility in the area during the evening, improving the safety for both motorists and pedestrians and bicyclists. Identification of the use of the road by bicyclists with designated lanes, signage and sharrows. Improved bridge railing for better safety of pedestrians when crossing the bridge. Bulb outs will slow traffic and provide better pedestrian visibility and a shorter distance to cross the road. Green area between the sidewalk and curb is safer and encourages pedestrian travel
PA Air Quality: More than half of all ozone pollution comes from emissions caused by everyday people doing everyday things, driving to work, events, school... The sidewalk/ bike lanes and sharrows would promote / allow residents alternative transportation options versus driving their cars to downtown for shopping, dining, and community events. This project would provide residents living in the Smithville Housing Authority complex the option to walk or bike to downtown and many community events held there. The connection through downtown to the Smithville Trail will provide residents with opportunities for excercise and other recreational opportunities.
PA Conservation: Street Trees will be planted along this corridor. Some plantings in the bulb out will also be completed reducing the amount of impervious surface and storm water. A green area will be installed that will help filter water runoff from the adjacent properties before getting into the storm sewer
PA Environment: This project will cross the Little Platte River. The project includes replacing the chain link fencing with a more appealing pedestrian safety railing. An informational plaque identifying the drainage basins will be incorporated onto the railing for resident education. Street trees and a green area between the curb and sidewalk will contribute to the reduction of heat islands and landscaping in the bulbouts will reduce stormwater runoff
PA Funding
TAP/STP Set Aside
PA Travel Lane: False
PA Congestion Management Measures Selected:
Access Management:
Active Transportation
Land Use
Transportation Operations and Management
PA CMT Description: Investments in non-motorized modes of transportation, such as biking and walking, can increase safety and mobility in a cost-efficient manner, while providing a zero-emission alternative to motorized modes. Improved Bike and Ped facilities provides opportunities for residents to choose an alternative mode of transportation versus using an automoblie, thus reducing traffic volumes, reduces emissions, and improves air quality. The project includes new sidewalks and accessible ramps for usage by all users. Bulb outs will allow for shorter crossing distance and slow vehicle traffic. Lighting will provide additional visibility at night. bike sharrows and signage will improve motorist awareness of cyclists using these facilities. all these improvements will make the corridor more safe for all modes of traffic.
PA SOV Capacity: N/A
PA Pre-application Statement: Changes made
PA Pre-application Statement Text: Yes. The input from the pre-application process was very helpful. The opportunities present through this FHA funding cycle can really help the City of Smithville achieve its complete street vision for the downtown. With this grant application, the City as extended the facilities for bicyclist that fit into the category of “Lycra Wearing Bicyclist.” The City has expanded the project to include bicycle sharrow pavement paint and "Share the Road" signage to support both the “Commuter” and “Tech Geek” population of bicyclist. Additional emphasis has been placed at all street intersections to promote safe crossings. Accessible ADA compliant ramps will be constructed on all legs of all intersecting streets. Additional emphasis has been placed on the environmental quality of place and human comfort. Opportunities for street trees and landscaping will be studied once all property lines have been surveyed to reduce stormwater runoff and provided increased amounts of shade.
PA Pre-Application Staff Alignment:
PA Pre-Aplication Policy Concerns:

General Information

G1. TIP Number:
G2. State: Missouri
G3. Multiple agencies / jurisdictions? No
While not financially supported, the Chamber and Downtown Main Streer is supportive of the project and has submitted letters of support. Similarly, the residents of Smithville and downtown business owners have spoken. Through the recently completed community engagement listening sessions associated with the Smithville Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Streetscape Project, the completion of the Downtown Streetscape project is supported by the community
G4 Project contact: Charles F. Soules, PE 107 W. Main St Smithville, MO 64089 Phone (816) 532-3897 cell (816)985-8369
G5 Purpose and need: Smithville has completed Phase I (Main Street) at a cost of $2.2 million and is going out to bid Phase II estimated at $1.7 million. This project Phase III will complete the communitys vision of a vibrant and accessible community downtown. The improvements will encourage redevelopment of the area, providing housing and jobs. The project will provide residents from the Housing Authority the ability to get to services and businesses. the project will connect to the Smithville Trail, a 2 mile multi-use trail that connects to Smithville Lake.The streetscape ideas being implemented encourages healthy life styles, vibrant community centers, a welcoming environment, reduces emissions, provides alternatives for transportation, and connects to additional trails.
G6. Origin and ending
  Length (Miles):
Bridge St
Route DD
Hwy 169 Spur
G7 Functional Classification: Major Collector
G8 Connected KC 2050 Decade? 2020
G9 Muli-Agency Plan? Yes
The project is identified on the Greater Kansas City Green Region Explorer map as a planned Regional Bike facility. The project is supported by the Smithville Area Chamber of Commerce and Smithville Main Street District
G10 Included in a CIP? Yes
The project is the third phase of a multi year program to revitalize the downtown and improve connectivity and safety. The project has been in the Citys 5-yr Capital improvement program since 2017. This project was part of the communitys Visioning process completed at that time.
G11 Planning stage: Conceptual Plan
G12 Reviewed by state DOT? No
G13 Right-of-Way acquisition: Not started
G14 ROW by local public agency process manual? Yes
G15 Other unique local goals and objectives? Yes
One of the Communities goals is to revitalize the downtown. The community has identified "Pillars of Excellence" as the foundation for its vision for a thriving city. Two of those goals include a thriving economy by attracting and maintaining diverse development and providing an environment where all can experience safety, security and opportunity for an active, healthy lifestyle. This project forwards these goals.
G16 Transportation Disadvantaged Population: This project directly serves the Smithville Housing Authority located at Bridge st and First Street. The sidewalk will connect to the housing authority internal sidewalk. Residents, typically, are lower income needing housing assistance, may not have transportation, and may be older or physically challenged. This project will allow residents here to get to work, school, needed services, and recreation
G17 Relevant Public Engagement: Public engagement included several facilitated public meetings held around the community to receive the communitys input. The Board held a retreat to then establish our Strategic Plan which developed the Pillars of Excellence. During Board meetings projects were presented and discussed to establish a Capital Improvement plan. As the project moves forward we will provide updates on the City website about the proposed improvements and ask for community input. A Neighborhood meeting will be held to inform the adjacent properties of the improvements and request any input they may have.
G18 Planned Public Engagement: As the project progresses information about the improvements will be reported to the Board at their open public meetings, placed on the Citys web site and on the Citys Facebook page. A neighborhood meeting will be held to discuss the project with the adjacent properties and receive their input.
G19 Sustainable Places Criteria: Access to Healthy Foods---Active Transportation/Living---Age in Place---Compact, Walkable Centers--- Complete Street Design-------Context Appropriate Streets------- ---------------- ------------Pedestrian-Oriented Public Realm--- ------------Strong Suburban Downtown--- ----Tree Preservation-
G19.1 Describe PSP relationship: The improvements will connect neighborhoods and the Housing Authority with the Downtown where the Farmers market is established. The project will enhance the pedestrians experience with the use landscape elements to provide comfort and interesting, attractive spaces including street trees. The project improves options for different transportation choices and reduce transportation costs The project will emphasize a strong downtown attracting investment, create a community identity, and provide a place for people to gather and walk. A vibrant and connected downtown increases the resiliency of our communities and adds diversity to our economy. The planting of street trees will be valuable to the ecosystem by reducing energy use, cleaning our air and will keep our community vibrant, comfortable and healthy
G20 Implements Sustainable Places Initiatives? Yes
The City of Smithville has made significant investment in their Downtown with the Street Scape project and the Main Street Trail that connects Downtown to Smithville Lake. Both these areas are destinations for community and athletic events. Downtown is also a job center within the community. Connection to Smithville lake provides recreational opportunities that support healthy living and a healthy natural environment. The project will further the creation of vibrant places (downtown) offering a mix of options for housing, jobs, services and recreation; connecting places with a variety of transportation options; and green spaces that support healthy living and a healthy natural environment.
G21 Serves Regional Activity Center? Yes
High-Intensity and More_Walkable Centers The project Directly Serves the Activity Center, Downtown. The Project provides investment in the infrastructure of the Downtown. It provides access for pedestrians and cyclists. The improvements improve safety and encourage alternate transportation modes. Investments to enhance the experience in the downtown encourages development, housing opportunities and job creation. The project will provide connection to the Smithville Trail and promote a healthy lifestyle.
G22 Environmental justice tracts? No
G23 Reduces greenhouse gas emissions? Yes
The projects provides alternatives to the motor vehicle that will produce less emissions and the need for carbon based fuels. Residents will have the facilities available to them to consider alternative transportation modes. The project will promote residents walking, running and biking to downtown for shopping, dining, and community events. The project will be a win and will support healthy alternatives, reducing the need for car trips and the associated emissions generated from those car trips. In summary, the project offers users an alternative to the motor vehicle reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. Users will have a cost effective and SAFE way to travel without the use of a car. The project encourages safe and healthy habits and lifestyle
G24 Natural Resource information: The project will cross the Little Platte River and a plaque informing and educating the public will be installed providing information on the drainage basins of the area. At locations throughout the corridor, the City will look for opportunities to provide trees as the primary opportunity for stormwater management. As documented in various MARC environmental studies, leaf cover can absorb and transpire 30% of rainfall over an area. Measures will be taken to provide plantings, a green space and street trees. Existing trees within the project will be saved.
G25 Community Links at Watershaed Scale: As we continue to move toward the full build out of a complete street in the Downtown, specifically related to green infrastructure, we will be able to improve natural resource conservation and stormwater filtration. This project will continue the process of reducing pollutants entering our waterways.
G26 Explain local land use or comprehensive plans: The project is included in the Citys Comprehensive plan, 2021 Capital Improvement Plan, and the Citys Strategic planning process. The project is also identified on the Greater Kansas City Green Region Explorer map as a planned Regional Bike facility

Project Financial Information

STP Federal amount: 488400 
STP Match amount: 219200 
STP Year requested: 2024
TAP Federal amount: 488400 
TAP Match amount: 219200 
TAP Year requested: 2024
Source of Local Match: Local Match is included in the Citys CIP funded with Transportations Sales tax funds
Scope Change: Smithville has completed Phase I (Main Street) at a cost of $2.2 million and is going out to bid Phase II estimated at $1.7 million. The Community has invested significant dollars to see their Downtown Vision come true. If less funding is received the project could stop at the bridge over the Little Platte river but the connectivity to the Housing Authority and neighborhood would not be realized until the remainder of the project was completed.
Cost by area:
Engineering: 87000
Equipment Purchase: 0
Right-of-Way: 10000
Other: 0
Utility Adjustment/Relocation: 0
Program Implementation/Construction (including Construction Engineering/Inspection): 523500
Contingency: 87000
Total Estimated Project Cost: 707600
Cost Breakdown by mode:
Highway: 18  %
Transit:   %
Bike: 20  %
Pedestrian: 15  %
Other: 47  %

Supporting Documents

Submitted (Public) comments

Linda Drummond said...

The City has made significant investment in our downtown with the Streetscape projects. Activity in the City’s core has increased. This project will continue the Streetscape theme extending the improvement along Bridge Street. I support this project that improves pedestrian and bicycle facilities and connects to the downtown. The improvements will be used by the residents our town to access downtown to work, shop, and play. The project includes lighting and bike lanes for safety. Funding this project will make our community safer, more attractive and sustainable.

9/29/2020 10:49:32 AM

Daniel Ulledahl said...

As a small business owner and resident of the downtown area I see the need to update this area to help the walkability and over all look of downtown. This project along with the others that are being completed have brought our downtown into the lime light visitors from all over tell us how nice it is. This part will help tie in to other projects that will bring the community together even more.

9/29/2020 11:50:39 AM

Cynthia Wagner said...

The community of Smithville knows that a vibrant and sustainable downtown is paramount to our economy. As such the community has committed several million dollars with the first two phases of the Streetscape and Trails programs. This project continues to make strides to engage the residents in community events by providing a pleasant route for them to access downtown, Heritage park and the Lake. Lighting, improved sidewalks and bike lanes will make the route to downtown safe and enjoyable to walk and bike. The project encourages people to not drive a vehicle and promotes healthy lifestyles. This program / project will enhance the livability of not only the surrounding area but the entire community. we would appreciate your support.

9/29/2020 1:46:10 PM

Jason Lockridge said...

The City of Smithville has already made considerable investment in the downtown district. The streetscape project has re-energized the downtown of Smithville, and spurred new businesses to move in. Connecting this area to other portions of the community, by making it accessible by bike and foot, only enhances what has already been completed. The community has shown that it supports these types of projects, and will use these amenities. I support this project to help keep residents safe while walking and biking their community.

9/29/2020 2:41:59 PM

Damien Boley said...

Streetscape has been a game changer for our downtown. Our business are more engaged and once vacant buildings are now full. The additional phase will help connect more homes and businesses to downtown. We just had our 4th cycling event and people from all over the Midwest commented on how great our downtown looks and love that it is bike and pedestrian friendly. Hi Chuck!

9/29/2020 2:48:57 PM

Nickie Lee said...

This project will build upon the streetscape projects we have already completed. Continuing the project will increase pedestrian access and create important connection points to the neighborhoods and nearby businesses.

9/29/2020 3:24:57 PM

Matthew Denton said...

Phase I of streetscape has established how necessary the old downtown district is to the community! This is where the community goes for events, farmers market, and family dinners. This project has the communitys support and is needed to allow more community members to safely access the area to enjoy what is being offered here.

9/29/2020 3:27:15 PM

Jim Pascoe said...

This project will continue the good work from the streetscape that has been completed. It would provide alternative transportation and improve the accessibility of the citizens to access the public areas of the city. It would assist in making Smithville a destination for shopping, restaurants, and recreation.

9/29/2020 4:10:09 PM

Brittanie Propes said...

This project to continue improving Smithvilles walkability will promote healthy lifestyles and create positive economic and environmental impacts. I support this project as it will directly impact the growth and development of the community by increasing property values, improving public health, and increasing safety.

10/6/2020 8:21:20 AM

John Chevalier said...

This project would do so much to help our most vulnerable in the community to be able to get around town easier. There are multiple lower income housing units that will utilize these updated amenities. It will also allow for safer walks to school for the kids. Please consider granting us this funding.

10/6/2020 5:28:22 PM

MadisonDavis said...

Great project, which also increases the amenities and the safety for all modes of transportation.

10/10/2020 8:22:28 AM


Making the residential areas and downtown areas easily accessible for families and visitors would make the street scapes project even more viable. As a realtor in this community people are looking for things to do in our town and this project will help that to increase our downtown activities and shopping.

10/12/2020 12:07:11 PM

David Cooper said...

The downtown area of Smithville has drastically improved in appearance since the streetscape project. Many people have commented on how fresh it looks and feels. The streetscape project was one of the catalysts to reviving our downtown business community. Extending the streetscape further north would link other neighborhoods to downtown businesses and amenities. It would be extremely helpful to the continued growth of our downtown.

10/13/2020 12:00:53 AM

Joshua E Hurlbert said...

This is an important expansion to the citys current streetscape plan. Currently, the citys voter-approved plan ends at the bridge over the Little Platte River. This leaves residents at the Smithville Housing Authority still separated from pedestrian access to downtown while also leaving the Smithville Historic Society and Museum separated from downtown. Use of MARC allocated funds to expand the Smithville streetscape project is a smart use of funding which would have a multiplying effect, giving MARC a greater return on investment.

10/14/2020 10:00:32 AM

Daniel Hartman said...

The former streetscape program has been such a wonderful thing for our City. My wife and I live downtown and we take advantage of it weekly. Adding to the already existing Street Scape would benefit our local economy even more.

10/14/2020 4:41:41 PM

600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax 816/421-7758

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