Summary of 83rd Street Bridge Replacement

De Soto, KS

Contact Information

Organization: De Soto, KS
Contact person: Mike Brungardt
Title: City Administrator
Phone: (913) 586-5253
Organization address: 32905 W. 84th, P.O. Box C
  De Soto, KS    66018

Pre-Application Information

PA Project title/name: 83rd Street Bridge Replacement
PA Agency type: City
PA Agency Name: De Soto, KS
PA Primary project mode: Bridge
PA Secondary project mode: Bike/Pedestrian
PA Project type: Road & Bridge - Bridge Replacement/Rehabilitation
PA Project description: Replace the functionally obsolete and low load rating bridge over BNSF & US Army Railroad at the only grade separation for the north half of town. When complete, this project would provide the only ADA accessible sidewalk across the RR and greatly improve walkability and safe pedestrian/bicycle path to the middle and high schools. The bridge is corroding, losing concrete, and the substandard barrier is failing; if not replaced, will require significant repairs and possible loss of east-west access for emergency vehicles. Long range planning for De Soto includes a possible rail connection to future development at the old Sunflower Ammunition Plant. This bridge provides 18.5’ vertical clearance, compared to current 23.5’ standards. Providing 23.5’ clearance opens up the possibility of future passenger rail development.
PA Connected KC 2050 Project Number: Yes
PA Connected KC 2050 underlying strategies selected
PA Strategies Description: Centers & Corridors: Opening up pedestrian and bicycle access on 83rd between the City’s low and moderate priced housing areas and the downtown commercial area will benefit those unable to drive a vehicle or those who choose to use walking/bicycle facilities. The same is true for connecting school age people east of the tracks to the schools west of the tracks; this bridge would allow for safe passage before or after school when a bus and/or parent transportation is not available. Prioritize Investments: This project is in the Connected 2050 plan because it will advance he regional vision and needs by supporting the efficient movement of people, improve equity, foster safe travel, and increase mobility.
PA Complete Streets Description: A major part of the project need is to provide pedestrian and bicycle access to and from the downtown area. Accessible sidewalks will allow for disabled pedestrians to gain access to the downtown area east of 83rd and promote business. It will also allow residents in zero-car households a route where travel is comfortable for pedestrians and bicycles. The installation of pedestrian scale landscaping, shade trees, benches, and streetscape components to capture street runoff, with the potential to utilize street right-of-ways for additional treatment of stormwater (e.g., bioretention and biofiltration).
PA Safety: Inherently, the addition of pedestrian and bicycle access helps public health and increases pedestrian and bicycle safety.
PA Air Quality: Creating accessible routes to the desired destinations will reduce vehicle miles traveled, thus reducing vehicle emissions. Removing the barriers of unsafe traveled ways for bicycles and pedestrians will increase the chances that a resident will choose a different mode of transportation with less carbon-based fuels. With the existing bridge continuing to deteriorate, if not repaired or replaced, it will eventually be closed to traffic. This would require traffic to use the at-grade crossing instead, leading to more backup times and cars sitting and idling longer, adding to emissions.
PA Conservation: Through the course of bridge demolition, wasted concrete can be broken up and used as slope protection under the new bridge. This keeps heavy waste products out of our landfill and minimizes the need for new rock to be quarried for slope protection.
PA Environment: The new 83rd St. bridge helps lower fossil fuel use by allowing more modes of transportation and helps economic vitality by connecting the residential area west of the tracks to the downtown business district. It also helps with transportation choices and transportation equity by allowing those not capable of operating a vehicle alternative means of transportation east to west thru De Soto.
PA Funding
TAP/STP Set Aside
PA Travel Lane: False
PA Congestion Management Measures Selected:
Access Management:
Active Transportation
Land Use
Transportation Operations and Management
PA CMT Description: Mainly, providing a pedestrian & bicycle transportation option along this corridor will reduce vehicular congestion by offering alternate transportation modes.
PA SOV Capacity: N/A
PA Pre-application Statement: Changes made
PA Pre-application Statement Text: Green Infrastructure elements have been added to the project scope, and the project budget has been increased accordingly by $150,000.
PA Pre-Application Staff Alignment: Aligned
PA Pre-Aplication Policy Concerns:

General Information

G1. TIP Number:
G2. State: Kansas
G3. Multiple agencies / jurisdictions? No
G4 Project contact: Mike Brungardt, P.E. City Administrator P.O. Box C De Soto, Kansas 66018 913-583-5253
G5 Purpose and need: to replace an aging functionally obsolete bridge and provide pedestrian connectivity.
G6. Origin and ending
  Length (Miles):
83rd Street
Istas Drive
Kickapoo Street
G7 Functional Classification: Major Collector
G8 Connected KC 2050 Decade? 2020
G9 Muli-Agency Plan? No
G10 Included in a CIP? Yes
De Sotos 5-year CIP includes funding for design in 2022 and construction in 2023.
G11 Planning stage: Conceptual Plan
G12 Reviewed by state DOT? No
G13 Right-of-Way acquisition: Not started
G14 ROW by local public agency process manual? No
G15 Other unique local goals and objectives? No
G16 Transportation Disadvantaged Population: Disadvantaged people living in low and moderate income housing will better be able to access the civic and retail opportunities in De Sotos downtown area.
G17 Relevant Public Engagement: De Soto has included this project in our CIP for the last 10 years. The CIP is updated each year by the City Council and completely overhauled every 5 years through a public outreach process including open house meetings, surveys, discussions at Council meetings, and public information posts on social media and mailings.
G18 Planned Public Engagement: During preliminary design we plan outreach via social media and online sources plus mailings and neighborhood meetings with those directly impacted.
G19 Sustainable Places Criteria: ----Active Transportation/Living-------Compact, Walkable Centers--- Complete Street Design---Connected Street Network----------- ----Green Infrastructure----------- ---------------- ---------------- ------
G19.1 Describe PSP relationship: Adding a robust pedestrian element to the bridge project will connect the commercial node of the downtown area with low and moderate income housing to the west.
G20 Implements Sustainable Places Initiatives? Yes
The new bridge with added pedestrian and bicycle access directly supports the PSP initiative by connecting the residential areas west of the tracks to the downtown district east of the tracks with a variety of transportation modes: vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle. The new bridge also allows for future north-south connectivity via passenger rail to future developments at the old Sunflower Army Ammunition plant. Also serves the adjacent MetroGreen facility along 83rd St.
G21 Serves Regional Activity Center? No
G22 Environmental justice tracts? No
G23 Reduces greenhouse gas emissions? Yes
It promotes the use of non-motorized transportation.
G24 Natural Resource information:
G25 Community Links at Watershaed Scale:
G26 Explain local land use or comprehensive plans:

Project Financial Information

STP Federal amount: 1500000 
STP Match amount: 900000 
STP Year requested: 2023
Source of Local Match: General Fund and General Obligation Bonds.
Scope Change: It will be very difficult to phase the replacement of the bridge, which is about 90% of the cost of the project. If we received less funding than requested, we would likely have to supplement from the general fund of the City or increase our GO Bond amount.
Cost by area:
Engineering: 250000
Equipment Purchase: 0
Right-of-Way: 25000
Other: 0
Utility Adjustment/Relocation: 35000
Program Implementation/Construction (including Construction Engineering/Inspection): 1915000
Contingency: 175000
Total Estimated Project Cost: 2400000
Cost Breakdown by mode:
Highway: 90  %
Transit:   %
Bike: 5  %
Pedestrian: 5  %
Other:   %

Supporting Documents

No public comments submitted.

600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax 816/421-7758

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